Shooting golden hour photos with my wife at the University of Michigan Law Quad in Ann Arbor, Michigan was such an amazing time. It was a beautiful evening to get out and shoot some nice classy, but casual photos at a gorgeous location. My wife Larissa has played an integral part in my photography journey and has been so supportive as I've worked to better my craft and grow my business. I truly would not be where I am without her. From listening to my ramblings about my business, proofreading my emails, modeling for me when I needed to practice, and telling me my edits look great after I've spent way too long working on a singular photo, she has been so good and so helpful to me. She is truly a blessing from God and I can't thank God enough for placing her in my life. As I mentioned, she's been my model so many times before and this time was just as amazing as the rest. She's just so stinkin' gorgeous!

She's also been working on learning photography herself and has assisted me at several weddings and second shot with me a few times now as well so I had her take a few shots of me and they turned out great. This session was a good setting for practicing shooting with different types of lighting depending on what part of the quad we were in. We also found some cool moody lighting over the steps at the end of the night that made for some cool shots! This was such a fun night and I'm sooo happy with how the images turned out.

Larissa, thanks for a great time love <3.