Sydney and Gabe's Classy Summer wedding in Ypsilanti, Michigan was such a sweet and wholesome day. From the little moments shared with family members to the gorgeous portraits at the end of the day, the entire experience was unforgettable. These two are so so perfect for each other. It was such a pleasure working with this amazing couple during their wedding as well as their engagement session.

I haven't known Gabe very long, but I knew Sydney growing up so it was a huge honor to capture such a big moment in their lives. Even though I'd just met Gabe when I shot their engagement photos, it was so clear that he is just as kind and caring a person as Sydney and I'm so glad God put them in each others' lives.

Their entire wedding day was so wholesome and beautiful. There were so many sweet moments with family members that made the day even more memorable including many goodbyes as Sydney was moving across the country. It was so amazing to be able to capture these tender moments so Sydney and Gabe can remember them and relive them for the rest of their lives.

After saying these goodbyes, we took the most perfect bride and groom photos at Rolling Hills Park. The setting and the lighting were so beautiful; they made for such a classy, natural, outdoor portrait session. It was truly such an amazing and beautiful day.